Maya Kaneko

Reconnecting you to your higher self

What should the world know about Maya Kaneko?

This question I find so challenging! I don't like to identify too much with labels but I don't really know how to answer this otherwise. I am a podium dancer, yoga teacher, dog mum, music and nightlife lover. I am highly intuitive and I find it difficult to to deal with dishonesty, judgemental behaviour and coriander. My mind doesn't stop racing so I took up yoga to calm myself down. I suffered from panic attacks and anxiety for a lot of my life. I have a graduate certificate in counselling. I have learnt that movement is medicine. Currently working sharing the magic of breathwork, meditation and yoga. I consciously choose to cultivate openness, kindness, and equanimity.

My purpose is to reconnect you, to your higher self. Reminding you of your beauty, your wholeness, your lightness.

Photo by Jamie Ilagan

Photo by Jamie Ilagan

So, we met in the nightclubbing industry - dare I say about 10 years ago, and still to this day you exude this positivity and confidence that I admire so much. What is it about dance that keeps you motivated and in love with it after all this time?

When I was 2 years old, I was diagnosed with a heart condition called mitral valve prolapse. The flu went really wrong and somehow spread into my heart. My parents tell me I almost died and they didn't know what was wrong with me for a few weeks. I started having breathing difficulties, went blue in the face and was taken by an ambulance to the hospital. My mum and dad were told by the Japanese doctors not to let me exercise, to not get my heart rate up so we don't worsen the condition. When I got old enough to start going out to clubs and parties, I realised how much I loved to dance. I visited a cardiologist by myself who told me exercise is okay in moderation. Go figure! The first 18 years of my life I spent skipping PE most of the time so I had a lot of catching up to do. I started working professionally as a dancer before I ever really had a dance lesson, at 19. To this day I am so grateful for all the opportunities I have to perform.

Nothing makes me happier than dancing.

What I love about the nightlife industry is that it’s a place for people to just have fun. There’s no real other reason for it but to immerse yourself in the music, let loose and connect with one another. I love performing and seeing everyone's smiling faces. Everything is energy in this reality.

Through entertainment we raise our vibrations to a higher place, to joy, to presence, to love. Our energetic bodies expand around 4 metres out of our bodies. So when we get together and become united with music, we are collectively raising the levels of consciousness. Super cool stuff right? I get really depressed if I stop dancing. So thats my motivation. Aside from yoga, dancing is the best therapy I have ever experienced.

Growing up in a little bit of a bubble and due to a lack of representation, I never really thought that Asian women could be considered desirable. So for me, you've helped shatter this huge stereotype by breaking down these barriers. So, I was wondering, did you experience something similar or did it cross your mind? Otherwise, what insights would you like share that helped get to where you are?

You are too sweet! When I was modelling when I was young I was really just doing it for fun so it’s so kind of you to say I helped shatter stereotypes. Modelling for me was something I did mainly as an expression of myself. I loved being part of the creative process with the photographers. I guess you would occasionally hear people say things like "I'm not into Asians" "he's hot for an Asian", or "you're a hot asian" which are quite rude remarks. But I just think nobody is made for everyone, and that's okay. If we were all into the same things there wouldn't be someone for everyone and the world would be a really boring place. It’s good to have different tastes and opinions right? The media has shifted gears in the last few years and there is more diversity being represented. .

Doing the right thing, for me helped me get to where I am. I believe strongly that if we act with integrity, we are all abundant with opportunities that are specifically made for us. Acting with beneficence in mind, to benefit not just you but others too. We are so much more powerful, inspired, and creative when we connect with one another from the heart. I am where I am because of all the beautiful friends I have made along the way.

I feel like you are a pretty open book. You've expressed your perspective of the world to how you handle dark situations, but your take at the end of the day is to leave it on a positive note. What's one experience would you like to bring to the surface or shine a light on, that leads with positivity?

Dark situations are inevitable. We're all human and we have dark emotions, and we are capable of thinking, saying, and doing horrible things to ourselves and to one another. We all have demons, skeletons, vices, and things we'd rather not share. I choose to believe that everything happens for a reason. No matter how painful it is, it's serving us for a higher good. To help us grow as a soul. To evolve. To become stronger. More compassionate. More humble.

I actually lost my job over my modelling photos. This is quite a few years ago now, but boy does everything come crashing down at once! It was a really scary and traumatic experience, and it really broke down my levels of self-worth. Around the same time I had another different kind of trauma. Have you ever been cheated on, or have somebody break up with you? That also messed with my confidence a lot. What I learnt was that how somebody treats you, is their karma. How you respond, is yours. Nobody comes into our lives by accident and perhaps you're equalising karma from a past life.

If theres something I want to share is to love yourself. Not that narcissistic, selfie taking kind of love but more about prioritising your wellbeing. Give yourself the love, that you wish somebody else gave to you. Focus on your own growth.

We have to save ourselves from our negative thought patterns and bad habits. If somebody hurts you or treats you badly, it's your opportunity to learn more about yourself and how you can level up.

Photo by Jamie Ilagan

Photo by Jamie Ilagan

Photo by Jamie Ilagan

Photo by Jamie Ilagan

What is a quote you live by?

I want to share my favourite Dr Seuss quote

Be who you are and say what you feel, those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.
— Dr Seuss

Also another one of my favourites is

If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.
— Maya Angelou

Everything begins with you. We are not here to change other people. We can only change ourselves. Heal ourselves. Look after yourself not just physically, but invest in your emotional and spiritual wellbeing. It's nobody else's job but yours. Self care isn't being selfish. Its investing in yourself so that you can share with the world your unique talents and gifts. We are all mirrors reflecting back to each other what needs our attention. Self development is a lifelong journey of discovery, re-discovery, healing and integration.

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