Alisa Galper

A sit down with Alisa


Tell me a little about yourself. What should the world know about Alisa Galper?

That question would need a couple chapters in a book to fully elucidate you on the complexities of Alisa.. haha. I guess I would want the world to know Alisa as an emphatic and loving friend, who strives to heal/move people with her words and her voice.

You've been singing for quite some time now, what differences do you feel between when you sing in English versus Mandarin Chinese?

Singing isn’t something I have to think about. It’s almost as natural as breathing. I’m always humming or singing something when I’m alone. It’s just my favorite way to emote. As for singing in Mandarin, that came later in my teens, and was a huge challenge since I couldn’t read or write in Chinese at the time. The pronunciations, learning the meaning of their poetic lyrics—it was all very overwhelming for a 17 year old Alisa. But, overtime, with hours of practice, I eventually felt satisfied with my Chinese abilities. It’s interesting, due to the way the mouth is shaped for Chinese, I do find that the timbre of my voice changes and I tend to sound more “feminine”.

In the Entertainment Industry, you require confidence and resilience more so than the average person. Is that your experience? Are you the same on/off stage? How do you find balance?

Yes, it definitely requires one to have thick skin. I didn’t always have the confidence that was required of me. That took time and life experience to mold me into the person I am today. I think all artists have a stage persona.

It’s hard to be yourself all the time - only because that kind of vulnerability can become very emotionally draining.

For balance, having a healthy mind-body connection

Alisa Galper

is extremely important. I find that using exercise (yoga, running, weight-training) has been the most efficient way for me to stay grounded and present.

Currently, you reside in the state of Washington. What are some things that won your heart, and what has been challenging?

There have been so many things to love about the Emerald City! The beautiful trees and mountains are what first captured my heart. But, it’s not hard to love the gorgeous lakes and appreciate the scenic seasons that are all of what Washington has to offer. Anyone can complain about the rain and gloom, but I choose to seek the peace that comes from the rhythmic pitter-patter of raindrops. The most challenging thing has been to be away from my family & close friends, but I also know that starting over and

building a new life for myself here will probably be the most meaningful experience in my life thus far.

Music is obviously a big part of your life, so what artists/songs are currently in your rotation (new and old)?

To be honest, I listen to a lot of pre-curated playlist from Spotify.. haha. But, the silky sounds of Billie Eilish have been in heavy rotation as of late. Other singers I enjoy are Michael Buble, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Barbara Streisand, Celine Dion... to name a few.

What is a quote you live by?

You cannot control everything that happens to you; you can only control the way you respond to what happens. In your response is your power.
Alisa Galper
Alisa Galper
Alisa Galper
Alisa Galper
Alisa Galper
Alisa Galper
Alisa Galper
Alisa Galper
Alisa Galper
Alisa Galper
Alisa Galper
Alisa Galper

Location: Seattle, Washington
Model: Alisa Galper
Photographer: Helen N.