Conducting a heuristic evaluation

Here are my personal questions and thoughts when I conduct a heuristic evaluation.

Have Nielsen's principles next to you
They are usability guidelines to refer when you are evaluating UI design. 

Set the exception 
Write a list of things of expectations when conducting the evaluation.

For example: If you are planning to buy a product online, you expect to see:

  • Product information (images and price)

  • Call to action

  • Checkout (form, address, billing)

  • Payment gateway

  • Terms and conditions

  • Confirmation and email confirmation

If it did not meet your expectation, write down what it lacked and what would help you complete a task.

Set the scenario
Imagine you are a user and you are going to complete a task - walk through the motions. 

  • Who are you? Are you an admin, client or just a regular user?

  • What is your task at hand? 

  • "You heard great things about this website through a friend and wanted to give it a go".

Content and flow 
Try and focus on content and flow first, the design comes in later (unless it becomes problematic in the evaluation).

  • Was I able to understand the content and find all the information I need to proceed to the next step?

  • Would a person who is English second language understand this content?

  • Was there terminology I did not understand?

  • Can someone else misinterpret this?

  • Was it obvious to find the call to action or did I take too long?

  • What was I expecting to see next? Am I stuck? Did I break it?

The reason why I leave design last is that design is a very objective area. I like to leave design solutions to UX/UI Designers but it always important to ask questions.

  • Did the design help me move onto the next step? Or did it confuse me?

  • Did the colour give me the wrong impression?

  • Did an icon make me think it was something else?

  • Is there a colour overpowering and making it difficult to absorb the content?

  • What do I think the designer was trying to achieve here?

  • When I'm reading the content, does it feel natural? (Not too much head shifting left to right)

  • Where do my eyes draw towards and why?

  • Did I even bother reading the information on the page?

How this could be achieved from a technical perspective.

  • Can some of these problems be a technical issue?

  • Are there bugs? 

  • Can I come up with a long-term fix?

The benefit of this, it helps catches issues on a low budget before being released.