Helen NguyenAugust 23, 2018user experience, heuristic evaluation, nielsens principles, ux, ux process, ux thoughts Conducting a heuristic evaluation Helen NguyenAugust 23, 2018user experience, heuristic evaluation, nielsens principles, ux, ux process, ux thoughts
miscHelen NguyenMay 18, 2017working with clients, ux, ux thoughts, commication, design thinking Creating a better experience for your client miscHelen NguyenMay 18, 2017working with clients, ux, ux thoughts, commication, design thinking
Helen NguyenFebruary 15, 2017user experience, ux, ux appliances, ux process, ux thoughts How UX help me buy appliances Helen NguyenFebruary 15, 2017user experience, ux, ux appliances, ux process, ux thoughts